Sleeping Beauty or Awakened Witch?

Who are You? Sleeping Beauty or an Awakened Witch?

More and more women are questioning wether the way they learned to navigate through life, is the ultimate way for them. 

Being exhausted, overwhelmed, burnout… or plainly bored out?

I know how to play the game, but I just don’t realy like this game. Of working hard, pleasing everyone, being nice and pretty, putting myself last, and at the same time feeling the world is falling apart…

Well what if… there is another way….? 

Are you ready to wake up from your role as a Sleeping Beauty?

To step into your Magic? 

To Kiss the Wounds of the old WithchHunts goodbye? And find Your Deeper Source of Power & Magic?


Sleeping Beauty or Awakened Witch Workbook

Because that might not only just be what You need… but also those Around you… and the Globe as a Whole


Allow me to Kiss You Awake by downloading my Free Minicourse ‘Sleeping Beauty or Awakend Witch?’ 

It is a Sneakpeak with some of the powerful tools of my 4 month-program ‘WakeUpTheWitches’ (next starting date oct. 2023). 

You’ll receive a 3 part video course with an accompanying workbook to help you reflect and implement the powerful and juicy teachings and insights.

Looking forward to see you on the other side!


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