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Corona & The Vaccine: Navigating the Potential
Hi, My name is Quirine Vosmaer. And I don't know about vaccination. Yet. Wether to take it. Or not. That's the question. I don't know about vaccination yet. Wether to take it, or not. That's the question. And I've seen that I'm not the only one. So I'd...

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Waarom stijgt het aantal Burnouts zo sterk? (NL)
15 november 2017, voorpagina nieuws Volkskrant : ‘Aantal burn-outs zeer sterk gestegen’. 15% van de vrouwen, 9% van de mannen zegt burn-out te hebben (gehad).-15 november 2017, voorpagina nieuws Volkskrant : ‘Aantal burn-outs zeer sterk gestegen’. 15% van de vrouwen,...
I Believe…
BlogI believe the most important Skill and Task of this time is being Authentic, Real. So you can bring in to this world what you came here to bring & who you came here to be. Your Heart & Soul felt desires. Allowing Your Inner Light to shine through and...